بلسم الشفاه تينول (قوة عادية)

السعر بعد الخصم£30.99 GBP السعر قبل الخصم£36.99 GBP
نفد من المخزون

يركز بلسم علاج الشفاه لدينا على إصلاح الصبغات غير المتوازنة على الشفاه الناتجة عن التدخين أو فرط التصبغ أو أضرار أشعة الشمس أو العوامل الوراثية. نستخدم مكونات نشطة مشتقة من النباتات للحصول على نتائج ملحوظة، تم تركيبها بواسطة خبراء التجميل.

  1. مكون قوي مشتق من النباتات ومصمم علميًا
  2. فعال ويعالج فرط تصبغ الشفاه بلطف. نقطة بداية رائعة!
  3. مناسب لتلون الشفاه الناتج عن أضرار أشعة الشمس أو تغير اللون المرتبط بالهرمونات
  4. تظهر النتائج المرئية خلال 4 أسابيع

جميع منتجاتنا صديقة للنباتيين وخالية من القسوة وخالية من المكسرات.

نوصي باستخدام مجموعة الشفاه للعناية بالشفاه بشكل فعال.

للحصول على إرشادات حول كيفية استخدام علاج الشفاه: راجع التعليمات

قائمة المكونات الكاملة

تينول - ابتكار الحلول وليس الأوهام

استمتع بالقوة غير العادية التي تتمتع بها مادة Tenol - حيث يلتقي العلم بالطبيعة

الأكثر مبيعا لدينا

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Brilliant product

I can't believe how effective this lip balm has been in getting rid of my hyperpigmentation. In under two weeks it's barely there. The balm keeps my lips moisturised too. I would highly recommend it.

Hi Nas

Your comment has made our day!

Thank you for your support and feedback. We hope to welcome you back again soon.

Tenol Team

Noreen Khan
Doesnt work

Ive complaint twice and havent got any response, regarding my thoughts about this product. This product has failed to provide its properties stated. I cannot express my discontentment for this lip balm and im severely disheartened as it was not cheap. Do not buy.

Hi Noreen

Sorry to hear you were not satisfied with our product. We checked our system and did not receive any complaints from you, at Tenol™ we are always open to feedback and strive to provide satisfactory solutions for our customers. In regards to you not seeing any visible results, lip discolouration severity varies and some of our customers experienced a better reults when using our lip remedy xtreme. If you would like to try this product please send us an email at hello@tenol.co.uk where we can better assist you.

Tenol™ Team


Within the first day of using this lip balm I see a major difference. Been trying many, and learnt my lips are sensitive to strong lip brightening balms. But this one, I have no issues with.
Thank you.

Thank you! Your comment and support means a lot to us!

Carlene Ahmed
OMG!!! This really works😲

I was very skeptical about ordering this then I read the other reviews and thought I would give it a try, I’m so shocked how quickly it worked within a couple of weeks I purchased the lip balm and only used at bedtime to work overnight, my lips now look nice and pink and not black anymore I’ve uploaded a photo of me wearing just clear lip gloss on both lips see the difference. I would definitely purchase this amazing product over again.

Hi Carlene

We are so happy you love our product and we were able to help with your lip care journey!

Thank you for your support and feedback.

See you soon!

Tenol Team

Manal Ameer
Unbelievable results!

I was very skeptic when I purchased the kit but the results are amazing. I highly recommend it.


Thank you for your support and feedback. We hope to welcome you back again soon.

Speak Soon

Tenol Team